Welcome to the home of Gox Box, an easy-to-use instant messenger for your
Windows computer! You can use it to send website addresses, notes,
questions, and jokes to another user on your local area network.
Download Gox Box 2.5
Gox Box is designed to be easy to install and use. To
install, simply have each
user click the link below, or save the download to a network location.
Each user can run the setup program to upgrade his or her copy of Gox Box.
The latest version was released on September 16, 2006.
Download Gox Box |
We want Gox Box to be easy to use and to fulfill the needs of our
users. We would enjoy if you would e-mail us with ideas for new
features that would enhance your chat experience. If you have any ideas
for new versions of Gox Box, feel free to send us an e-mail at
the address below.
Using Gox Box
- Click the red coffee cup
in the lower right corner of your screen.
- Choose the person to whom you want to send your message.
- Type your message and press enter or click "Send!"
- Once you're done with Gox Box, press <ESCAPE>.

Features in Gox Box 2.0
The developers of Gox Box believed Albert Einstein's
advice to keep everything as simple as possible--but no more. But
they also recognized that developers need the users' help to know what is
easiest to use. Because of that, SteamingCoffee.com
associates have been using Gox Box from within hours after the project was
started. It has evolved from a working design concept into a full
application. Gox Box has evolved over time, and it
continues to evolve. Here are some of the primary features in Gox
Gox Box is easy to use.
You can use Gox Box without a server (peer-to-peer
Gox Box can communicate through TCP/IP access
(client/server networking).
You can turn on a Gox Box feature to save all messages
you send and receive.
You can click on other people's names in the chat text
to select only their names in the list of users. You can press
<control> when you click to add their names to the current
You can select multiple users in the users list by
holding down <shift> or <control> when you choose their
names from the list.
You can send reminders by typing a message and
choosing the recipients, then right-clicking on the "Send!"
button and choosing "Send Later..." |

Better Experience:
 | Gox Box has a fresh look for Windows XP users. |
You can now clear some of your Gox Box messages while keeping others.
Simply select the messages you want to clear, right-click, and choose
"Clear Selected Messages." |
If you frequently send messages to a specific user or to
a specific group of users, you can have Gox Box automatically select
these users for you. Right-click on the selected
and choose to "Select these users whenever I open Gox Box". |
Better Control:
You can optionally remove the "(All Users)" option. |
You can use a different visual notification for messages sent
to all users. |
You can choose a custom sound to play when a message
arrives. This sound can be played once, or it can be played repeatedly until Gox Box is opened. |

Features in Gox Box 2.1b
Faster log viewer. The log viewer opens up
to ten times faster than before.
Richer log viewer. You can choose how many
logged messages you want to read. The messages always include the
date they were sent (advanced users can customize
this). |
Nicer notification. Gox Box can optionally
flash the taskbar when you get a new message, then pop up after thirty
Easier upgrades. If you have designated a
copy of Gox Box as the server, you can upgrade that copy of Gox Box, and
all client copies of Gox Box will prompt to upgrade. |

Features in Gox Box 2.1b
Faster log viewer. The log viewer opens up
to ten times faster than before.
Richer log viewer. You can choose how many
logged messages you want to read. The messages always include the
date they were sent (advanced users can customize
this). |
Nicer notification. Gox Box can optionally
flash the taskbar when you get a new message, then pop up after thirty
Easier upgrades. If you have designated a
copy of Gox Box as the server, you can upgrade that copy of Gox Box, and
all client copies of Gox Box will prompt to upgrade. |

Tips and Tricks
 | Click the red coffee cup
in the lower right corner of your screen, then click the "Options..."
button in the upper right corner of Gox Box. From there, you are able to
customize many different aspects of Gox Box.Advanced users may want to read how to create a custom
If you receive a web site address or a file name that is not underlined, you can open the file by selecting the file name, right-clicking, and choosing Open.
Make Gox Box larger or smaller by dragging the "gripper bar" in the bottom, right-hand corner of the window.
To erase current messages, right-click on any one of them and choose Clear All. |